CRIMSON Monsoon Blooms is an exquisite flower arrangement created with high-quality roses, lilies, and hydrangeas in shades of red and white. The lush combination of blooms create a captivating look that is sure to bring a touch of elegance to any space.
Embroidered and handwork organza shirt, gold foil handprinted pants, gota and sheesha worked organza dupatta This is original Crimson product. Please note that actual color may slightly vary from the colors being displayed on your device. This could be due to your own display settings, extreme lighting during photo shoots & picture editing. All fabrics solely belong to the brand itself. We promise 100% genuine original suits. Embellishments, laces & piping might not be provided by the brand, we add them upon customer's request & we try our best to match them at least 90-95% from model pictures